Procesamiento de imagenes para reconocimiento de danos causados por plagas en el cultivo de Begonia semperflorens (flor de azucar)

Published in Acta Agronomica 64, 2015

Recommended citation: Caceres Florez, Camilo Andres, Olga Lucia Ramos Sandoval, and Dario Amaya Hurtado. "Procesamiento de imagenes para reconocimiento de danos causados por plagas en el cultivo de Begonia semperflorens (flor de azucar)." Acta Agronomica 64, no. 3 (2015): 273-279.

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Nowadays, an important element in farming, is the use of technology, based on the analysis of the different factors that affect the succesfull development of the crops. The results are presented in the recognition of pests, in this work a computer machine vision, as a diagnostic was used. The images capturing were doing with a robotic air agent, equipped with a camera, capturing images of the state of a crop of a plant called "Flor de azucar" (Begonia semperflorens). These images are processed using machine vision techniques to identify the possible attack of pests on the crop. The techniques used are morphological filters, Gaussian blur filter and HSL. The main result of this work was accomplished, perform the detection of the perforation of the leaves as a result of pest attack, specifically slugs, snails, spider mites and leafminers.

Recommended citation: Caceres Florez, Camilo Andres, Olga Lucia Ramos Sandoval, and Dario Amaya Hurtado. “Procesamiento de imagenes para reconocimiento de danos causados por plagas en el cultivo de Begonia semperflorens (flor de azucar).” Acta Agronomica 64, no. 3 (2015): 273-279.